New Moon 010531120

Dear Friends,

The Hour of the Beast

Many are asking us what is happening to the world economy, to our freedoms, and what might be expected in the time ahead.

There has not been a time in modern history that the freedoms for which our fathers fought so hard to achieve have been so undermined. Our very freedoms have been attacked from within by the politicians we have elected to protect them. The greatest erosion occurred under the Clinton administration and the various instruments were continued as set up under President G.W. Bush. His father, G.H.W. Bush, had allegedly done a series of deals based on the system set up by Kissinger before him regarding the world’s oil sales and the role of the US dollar in that system. He reportedly set Iraq up for invasion and subsequently invaded over Kuwait. He was defeated after one term, leaving the system to Clinton to complete for this final phase in the plan of Satan for the enforcement of the Beast system.

It should be obvious to all now that the battle for the establishment of the New World Order and the final government of Satan and the Antichrist will use the Military Industrial complex of the US and the British Commonwealth to enable them to devour those nations and then turn the world on its head.

The coming crisis in the US and British Commonwealth will spill over into Europe. The politicians responsible for the erosion and establishment of the New World Order are passing legislation to eradicate the liberties and privacy of the individuals and to control the masses once they finally and irretrievably wake up to the way that they have been set up to be destroyed.

It has been reported and noted that the 630-page Senate housing legislation put forward by Senator Christopher Dodd has a sweeping provision that affects the privacy and operation of nearly all of America 's small businesses. The bill's managers added the provision without debate recently. It will require the nation's payment systems to track, aggregate, and report information on nearly every electronic transaction to the federal government.

FreedomWorks Chairman, Dick Armey, commented: "This is a provision with astonishing reach, and it was slipped into the bill just this week. Not only does it affect nearly every credit card transaction in America, such as Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express, but the bill specifically targets payment systems like eBay's PayPal, Amazon, and Google Checkout that are used by many small online businesses. The privacy implications for America 's small businesses are breathtaking."

Why are senators and congressmen pressing ahead to control every aspect of the lives of their citizens and their capacity to organise and live any independent form of life? Sweden, of all places, is doing the same.

Why are Britain and Australia going along and introducing legislation that takes away Habeas Corpus and allows detention without trial not only for 42 days but, in Australia, up to five years without notification, and any member of the press that reports your whereabouts is subject to imprisonment? A terrorist is someone you say is a terrorist.

One would have thought it impossible forty years ago. Our fathers would have marvelled at the spinelessness of our people and the dreadful treason of such leaders.

The fact is that they know they can’t keep the lid on it forever. Mugabe’s genocide and tyranny are but a foretaste of what is to come under these half-men. The Armed Forces are going to be used to enforce the systems in each other’s territories. Finally, Mandela has spoken but who will act?

That is why information is control. The press has to be controlled. The insane situation in the UK is that the Wahabi fundamentalist Sheiks in UK are moving from mosque to mosque, inciting insurrection and the elimination of Christian systems and people. The press recorded these incitements to genocide. The police moved quickly in making arrests. The problem was that they did not arrest the Wahabi Sheiks inciting the violence and degrading women. They arrested the journalists for invading the Wahabi’s privacy in the mosques in which they preached their hate.

The New World Order will also produce a terrible religious system that has nothing to do with the Bible or the Koran. It is all part of the plan.

We told all you of the commencement of WWIII in 2001 when the paper The Last Thirty Years: The Final Struggle (No. 219) was issued in 1997. The time-frame was given from 1997 to 2027.

We told you that the structure of the system would begin to be dealt with from 2007. The year 2008 is meant to be the beginning of the economic crisis. To achieve complete control, the two oil producing states that did not agree to the financial structure proposed by the New World Order had to be destroyed and brought into the system. Those nations were Iraq and Iran. Iraq has been invaded and Iran will be “invaded”. That is why Vice President Cheney is obsessed with the war. They will be bombed into submission. However, bombs are meant to enable soldiers to seize and hold ground and to demoralise a populace. Nuclear weapons may well bring Iran into line, but that is not what the Bible says.

The power of the US will be used to bomb and subjugate Iran while their own economy is gutted using their own banks and unregulated non-bank systems.

The crisis is upon us and we have been set up by the demon-inspired Globalists to have our banks and credit systems destroyed and reinvented.

The Royal Bank of Scotland issued a warning on 19 June 2008, which was reported in the by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard. The bank has advised clients to brace for a full-fledged crash in global stock and credit markets over the next three months as inflation paralyses the major central banks.

One might be tempted to disregard them given their track record over the sub-prime crisis but their credit strategist, Bob Janjuah, has a good track record in that he predicted this current crisis and merely sees it as getting worse. In fact, it is coming now to its intended peak.

The bank reports that the S&P 500 Index will fall by more than 300 points to around 1050 by September from the excesses of the global boom spreading across Europe and emerging markets.

This crisis is engineered to create the worst bear market in history and exploit the middle- and working-class and effectively destroy the pension funds.

The bank predicts a renewed bout of debt panic. They promote cash as the key safe haven. Mr. Janjuah says: “This is about not losing your money, and not losing your job,"

Mr Evans Pitchard reports that the “RBS expects Wall Street to rally a little further into early July before short-lived momentum from America's fiscal boost begins to fizzle out, and the delayed effects of the oil spike inflict their damage.

‘Globalisation was always going to risk putting G7 bankers into a dangerous corner at some point. We have got to that point,’ [Mr. Janjuah] said.

US Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank both face a Hobson's choice as workers start to lose their jobs in earnest and lenders cut off credit.

The authorities cannot respond with easy money because oil and food costs continue to push headline inflation to levels that are unsettling the markets. ‘The ugly spoiler is that we may need to see much lower global growth in order to get lower inflation,’ he said.”

‘The Fed is in panic mode. The massive credibility chasms down which the Fed and maybe even the ECB will plummet when they fail to hike rates in the face of higher inflation will combine to give us a big sell-off in risky assets,’ he said.

Kit Jukes, RBS's head of debt markets, said Europe would not be immune. ‘Economic weakness is spreading and the latest data on consumer demand and confidence are dire. The ECB is hell-bent on raising rates.’

‘The political fall-out could be substantial as finance ministers from the weaker economies rail at the ECB. Wider spreads between the German Bunds and peripheral markets seem assured,’ [Mr. Janjuah] said.

Ultimately, the bank expects the oil price spike to subside as the more powerful force of debt deflation takes hold next year.”

Note that Globalisation was “always going to put G7 bankers into a corner”. They knew what they were doing. The Bank of Scotland rep was also at the Bilderberger Conference, so the information release may well be to serve their propaganda interests as well. Nothing is as it seems.

The regional systems are only transitory to the one world system of the Beast. The EU and the American Union are simply necessary stages to the global system. Whilst they may call for the Amero over 2008-9, it is simply a stop-gap illusion on the way to the NWO one world currency system of the Beast. It will link North America and then South America and then go to the World system.

The President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Timothy Geithner, and Fed Chairman Bernanke were in attendance at the 2008 Bilderbergers Conference, “as well as Jean-Claude Trichet, EU Central Bank President, Mario Draghi, the head of Banca d’Italia, Josef Ackermann, Chairman of the Management Board of Deutsche Bank AG, Tom McKillop, Chairman of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group, and Seppo Honkapohja, Board member of the Bank of Finland. Bilderberg hunter Jim Tucker has reported from his sources that the European Bilderbergers are not in favor of an Iran war because of its economic effects — it’d crash things too fast. He said Bernanke might raise interest rates, and Bernanke has made gestures towards this already. Already the prospect of higher interest rates have caused oil to drop below $131 a barrel.”

The problem is that it has now gone above $140 a barrel. They will try to push it higher.

Martha J. Farah, the Director of the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, and Walter H. Annenberg, University of Pennsylvania Professor in the Natural Sciences were also reported as being at the Bilderberger Conference. We can expect a more concerted push for the ID chip from this year following on from the economic collapse.

Europe is opposed to an immediate attack on Iran, as it would collapse things too fast to make the transition to the NWO smooth. Thus, the conflict in the September to November attack dates are causing changes in the time-frame but not the overall plan. Condaleeza Rice was there to push for the earlier attack date so it is reported.

The South American union has to be formed soon as well, to link up to the New World Order system of control. It appears that it is already in formation. reports that twelve South American nations have come together to form Unasur, a regional union. They are: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela. They even plan to have their own president and elections. Just another step to making a world government with the continents as superstates controlled by it. David Rockefeller, Chase Manhattan Bankster, says in his book Memoirs on p. 405:

For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.’”

There appear to be a significant number of people following these activities, but the world press is under tight control and the plan is not given publicity. Meanwhile, the US and BC populations slumber on. It does not matter which side of the Houses you elect, they have NWO strategists on both sides.

The other problem is that the oil price spike is deliberately induced to destroy the economy by adding to the insane economic formula that counts the spike as inflation and consumer induced, which it definitely is not.

The problems with food price hikes are also counted as inflationary as speculators hoard food reserves amid natural catastrophes. The lower- and middle-classes are further punished by calculating, devious bankers.

From the background chatter of the demonists and the stargazers, we can see that it is Satan’s plan to bring the US to its knees. In the next three months, they intend to send the US and Europe into the greatest depression they have ever seen. The aim is not to turn the dollar into the Amero as some have suggested. That is only a stop-gap reaction that the Illuminati have already foreseen. The Amero in its turn and the Euro in its turn must go so that a single world currency can be created under control of the World Bank, which is designed to destroy all other systems. The US presidents of the 20th century were stupid enough to believe that the US dollar would be the currency, or they gave the appearance of thinking so. In order to create the UN, F.D. Roosevelt sold out Britain and the Commonwealth at the Yalta Conference with Stalin. They were also stupid enough to believe that the rooms were not fully bugged.

This demonic system will eventually take over the world. It will rule for one hour. We have said previously that one hour of the Beast is a prophetic hour based on a prophetic day, which is then either 12 or 24 hours in a year-day making it either two or four weeks. That is one month. That is the short version.

There is another nightmare version of this prophecy that has not been canvassed before. There is another biblical definition of a day and that is as we find in the Seven Days of Creation in Genesis chapter 1. Satan was given six working days of six thousand years and the Seventh Day was given as the Sabbath Rest of the Messiah. Thus a day is a thousand years and an hour is 41.6 years.

That means when the nations were weakened and the Temple of God was handed over to be measured in 1987 the Temple had to have been infiltrated and under demonic leadership for over a year. In other words, it was under the demons from at least the beginning of 1986.

When they were entrenched the measurement began in 1987, and the last Forty Years commenced with the measurement but the time of the Gentiles had not yet ceased for another ten years (see the paper Measuring the Temple (No. 137)). In 1996, the nations were handed over to Satan to be formed into the one-world system. 1986/87 was the beginning of the hour of the Beast of the New World Order. 1997 was the end of the time of the independent nations. They began to be controlled by the New World Order’s economic system. Note that Satan had given his power to the Beast to destroy the Whore. Why does it say it in that way? The answer is that Satan’s time is cut short and he does not have rule for the full hour. Only the Beast has that power for the full time. His time is cut short way before the Jubilee in 2027.

So, Satan must make provision for his minions to carry on after his imprisonment in Tartaros over the period until the complete system is brought down to Megiddo and destroyed.

We are under the influence and persecution of the Beast system now. The birthright is being removed daily. The Church is being tested daily.

The US congress is actually aware that their incompetence and that of the White House has destroyed the US economy. Most know that it was deliberate. Some of the mushrooms on the “back benches” do not. Some have been stupid enough to think they could have controlled it. God is not mocked. Dig a pit for someone and you will fall into it and catch yourself on your own snare getting out (Ps. 7:15). He gave the power to Satan for a purpose.

The plan is to collapse the economy between July and September, further destroying it with mock economic rallies.

This President is allegedly designed to declare emergency and bomb Iran, committing the Middle East to war and destroy Iran’s independence. The Middle East will be forced to push at the Northern powers.

Their aim is to destroy the Whore at Rome and its complete system. Satan will force these things to come to pass, as Scripture cannot be broken.

Martial Law will become necessary to deal with the insurgents in the US that know what is actually happening.

Exxon-Mobil and the oil cartels are aware of what is to happen and they have already decided to sell off 2,200 oil stations tied to contracts as their distributors. This is not a simple economic decision. It is to shield them from the reaction of a very angry populace that will simply destroy their assets over this scam. Shell will face the same problem, and they were at the 2008 Bilderberger Conference as well.

The Military systems are being counted on to suppress the violence and a new system is to be implemented with the Globalist stooges in charge. That is the plan.

It has been reported that Barach Obama has been invited aboard from their conference in Virginia with he and Clinton reportedly attending and which was passed off as the Washington meeting. We do know that the press were held on the airline to prevent them from reporting the conference. Who knows what is actually true concerning that charade.

That is the aim. Satan has given all his power to the Beast to accomplish it. The stargazers have been burbling about this in the background for the last eight months and more. They are using the same structure in the Chinese system. Some were pushing for a female in prominence at the helm after the insurgence and Martial Law, ending in 2009, but that seems to have fallen flat unless there are other problems ahead. Satan and the demons have the power to see much of the future and they try to interfere with the Plan of God and the calling of the elect.

The number crunchers of the New Age System are reinventing Nostradamus to push a Buddhist reinvention with the Dalai Lama as the Logmion figure of Nostradamus interpreted as an anagram of the Celt mythical figure Ogmios. The problem is that Ogmios is a Celt figure, not a Haplogroup D or O Tibetan Buddhist in central Asia. He is held to chain the ears of his listeners with speech, and Nostradamus has him deal with the Antichrist system in the Last Days.

The problem is that the propaganda has the real Antichrist and the religious leader of the Last Days and the false prophet as part of the system. The Witnesses are passed off as religious nutcases that seemingly take 3.5 years to kill, and Christ is then classed as the Antichrist and the world marches against him at Megiddo.

Can the US, Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand survive this onslaught against its systems? The Bible says they are brought into subjection. The South African seer Nicholaas van Rensburg (d. 1926) said, over a hundred years ago in the Boer War, that when China expanded into the Pacific the Commonwealth cloud of empire would vanish. But he was not inspired by God. He was a Protestant babbler.

We can turn to God and repent and turn the tide. To do that the Trinitarian Sunday-worshipping machine has to acknowledge its errors and begin to keep the Laws of God. Rather than do that they will go along with the New World Order system of the Antichrist. This pope is calling for universal Sunday-worship and Mariolatry and it is being supported in the US. The Mother Goddess system will be advanced in all sectors. The Anglicans will reorganise.

The world’s systems are being brought into chaos to support this movement.

There will come a time soon when we will not be able to work but it is not just yet. We have much to do and a short time to do it.

We have to get ready for the Witnesses to work at Jerusalem (see the paper The Witnesses (No. 135)). These two figures attract much attention and every self-absorbed minister in the Churches of God and elsewhere has a go at claiming their identity. We have just seen two so-called prophets of God go down in flames with false prophecies out of the US recently. Some of these guys don’t even blush when they are proven false prophets.

You can’t get the system right until you keep the Ancient Temple Calendar and since they all worship Armstrong or Ellen G White, they simply don’t understand and never will until they obey God.

So where do we go from here? There is no doubt that the US is in very deep trouble and the aim is to take the world down with it. The time-frame is to complete the chaos by September 2008 and go on through 2009 in complete chaos and war. The US system will be reorganised if their plan goes right in 2009 after the insurrection phase. War will simply escalate from September 2009 and continue until the return of the Messiah and the Wars of Megiddo. By 2025, the final harvest will be in place for the Jubilee and all will be finished in 2027 and the Lands of the Millennium will be allocated. We will go through this crisis step by step over the next few months.

Wade Cox

Coordinator General

Report on Bilderberg Conference 2008: