Christian Churches of God

No. F040






Commentary on the New Testament: Prologue


(Edition 1.0 20210509-20210509)


Background to the commencement of the New Testament.




Christian Churches of God

PO Box 369,  WODEN  ACT 2606,  AUSTRALIA





(Copyright © 2021 Wade Cox)


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 Commentary on the NT: Prologue


We have seen from the Scriptures, now classed as the Old Testament that God set upon the creation with specific plans and purpose. The world was created by God and the sons of God were all summoned to be present at the creation as we are told in Job 38:4-7. This was referred to as “the world that then was.” (2Pet. 3:5-6) That world became Tohu and Bohu, or waste and void for some reason.  Isaiah states that God did not create it that way (Isa. 45:18). The sequence was explained in the Introduction to the Commentary on the Bible. Job was probably the First Book of the Bible, seemingly being written by Moses, or compiled by him under instruction from his father-in-law Jethro, Priest of Midian, when he went into Midian in the Second phase of his life after his expulsion from Egypt. The sequence and the outline were explained in the text Introduction to the Commentary on the Bible (F000).


All of the sons of God had access to the throne of God and Satan was among them (Job. 1:6; 2:1). After the earth became waste and void, there was a rearrangement of the Administration (Col. 1:15) of the Heaven and Earth; Eloah created the rank of messenger (angel). The elohim under the being we know as Jesus Christ was sent to restore the earth under this age as we see from Genesis chapter 1:2-2:24. From Genesis chapter 3 we see that the Satan was in charge and tempted Eve and from there sin entered the world with the fall of Adam and from there the fall of the human species and hence death with the fall of the patriarchs and the species (cf. Doctrine of Original Sin Part I: The Garden of Eden (No. 246) and Doctrine of Original Sin Part II:  Generations of Adam (No. 248)).


After the first phase of the human creation was interfered with and wiped out, the Sons of Noah repopulated the earth. They were divided into nations and allocated to the core Seventy Sons of God, and the, as yet unfounded, nation of Israel was allocated to the elohim that was to become known as the Messiah. This sequence is detailed in Deuteronomy 32. In verse 8 we see that it was allocated to the Sons of God in the Septuagint (LXX) and the Dead Sea Scrolls (DSS). That has been verified and included in the RSV. The MT was fraudulently altered, and included in the Receptus, to read the Sons of Israel.


From the Introduction to the Commentary on the Bible we see the Purpose of the Creation (The Elect as Elohim (No. 001); the Plan of Salvation (No. 001A) and the Covenant of God (No. 152) which is tied to the Law of God (L1)).  


The Timeframe of the Creation was determined and given to the Host in certain terms. The timeframe was given to the prophets as we see in Outline Timetable of the Age (No. 272); Timetable of the World Wars and the Kings of the East (No. 272B) and in the Rule of the Kings series: Rule of the Kings Part I: Saul (No. 282A); Rule of the Kings Part II: David (No. 282B); Rule of the Kings Part III: Solomon and the Key of David (No. 282C); Rule of the Kings Part IIIB: Man as the Temple of God (No. 282D).


Each of the prophets was given a specific part in prophecy to deal with the timeframe. 


Ezekiel and Daniel were to tie the sequence of the system into the Last Days (cf. The Fall of Egypt: Prophecy of Pharaoh’s Broken Arms (No. 036), and Fall of Egypt Part II: Wars of the End (No. 036_2)). 


Daniel was given the sequence of the kingdoms and empires of the false or Babylonian systems, with the prophecy of the reconstruction and the fall of the Temple, and the new spiritual Temple of God, which Temple we are,  up until the last days and the second coming of the Christ and the Host (cf. Commentary on Daniel (F027, F027i; F027ii; F027iii; F027iv, F027v; F027vi; F027vii; F027viii; F027ix; F027x; F027xi; F027xii; F027xiii).


Jeremiah was given the power to build up and tear down and he gave the details of the coming of the Messiah and the establishment of the Saints in the Church and the sacrifice of the Messiah. It was for that reason that the prophets knew when Christ was to be presented at the Temple and were there waiting.


Jeremiah also gave the details of the last prophet of Dan Ephraim in Jeremiah 4:15-27 and the final destruction before the millennial system. This prophecy was understood at the Incarnation of Messiah also, and hence the questions regarding if they were “that prophet” in the gospels.


So also the prophet Isaiah foretold the coming of the Messiah and his sacrifice in his work. This also then foretold of their demise and replacement. He also foretold the Second Exodus (ch. 65) and the restoration and the enforcement of the law and calendar on pain of death (Isa. 66:23-24). It was for that reason that Isaiah was literally sawn in half by the priests at the instigation of the Demons (cf. The Death of the Prophets and the Saints (No. 122C)).  


The Twelve prophets were to deal with the types and anti-types over the sequence and the final phase from the Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries were to deal with the prophecies and the time sequence for the return of the Messiah.


The overall blue print of the Bible timeframe was contained in the Seven Days of the week from The First Day of the week Sunday to the end of the Six Days of the Creation which was effectively Friday at EENT and the Seventh Day Sabbath was the millennial rule of the Messiah. At the end of the Six Thousand Years Messiah returns and confines the demons to Tartaros and God resurrects and translates the Saints for the First Resurrection (No 143A) and the Seventh and final Thousand years of Twenty jubilees, from 2027 to 3027 at which time the Second Resurrection (No. 143B) takes place. It was for that reason that demons introduced Sunday as the Holy day of the week in Baal worship and infused that into Christianity so as to disrupt the Plan of Salvation in the minds of the nations.


The Second Resurrection and Great White Throne Judgment (No. 143B) will take place over the 100 year period referred to in Isaiah 65:20. 


The Law and Grace

The prophets understood that the Law was necessary to righteousness but it could not be kept unless the Holy Spirit was given.  However, the Holy Spirit was only given to the patriarchs and prophets under direction by God. The prophets understood that it was to be by the sacrifice of a sinless Messiah who was to come from the line of Jacob (Num. 24:17) that the Holy Spirit was to be made available to mankind through the Grace of God. The prophets were aware that they were actually serving the elect saints rather than themselves. Peter speaks of this in 1Peter 1:10ff in Commentary on 1Peter (F060).


The process is explained in the Introduction (F000).  The papers that deal with the Holy Spirit and the function of Grace and the Law are (No. 117) (No. 082) (No. 096) (No. 096B) (No. 200).


We will see over the texts how the false structure of Antinomianism and Baal worship entered the church and began to corrupt doctrines and especially with the lie that Paul and the apostles did away with the law (cf. Paul: Part I Paul and the Law (No. 271)).


The Scriptures are clear that from the return of Messiah the entire world will obey the Laws of God (L1). They will keep God’s Calendar (No. 156). They will be forced to keep the Sabbaths and New Moons on pain of death (Isa. 66:23-24) and the Feasts of God (Zech. 14:16-19) also on pain of death, and the plagues of Egypt.  So also will all nations be purged of the heresy of the Babylonian systems and the Sun and Mystery cults including Sunday worship, Christmas and Easter (No. 235).


We have seen from the Scriptures and will see from the texts of the Apostles that it was Messiah that gave the Law to Moses at Sinai and he and the apostles and the true Church of God kept the Law completely throughout the centuries and were killed by the pseudo-Christians because of that fact and their obedience.  


Scripture in the Church under the Apostles

The Scriptures are determined from the Canon as determined at the death of Ezra in 323 BCE (cf. The Bible (No. 164)). That Hebrew text was retained in the Temple until the War with Rome and the Fall of the Temple (No. 298). That text was translated by the Seventy (LXX) in Alexandria into the Greek for inclusion in the library there by direction of the pharaoh. The Masoretic Text (MT) did not exist until well after the fall of the Temple. Thus Christ and the church used the Septuagint (LXX) and the Hebrew and Aramaic texts. In 70 CE the texts were removed by the Romans and taken to Rome and were not returned until the Third century. When they were returned it was noted that there were a number of alterations made in comparison to the text that the rabbis were then using. These alterations continued on until even recent times on into the NT texts also. We do however have records of the change from the original texts.

(cf. Forgeries and Additions/Mistranslations in the Bible (No. 164F)).                      

(See also Alleged Contradictions in Scripture (No. 164B); Antinomian Destruction of Christianity by Misuse of Scripture (No. 164C); Antinomian Attacks on the Law of God (No. 164D); Antinomian Denial of Baptism (No. 164E); Forgeries and Mistranslations Relating to the Position of Christ (No. 164G).)


At no stage in the First century was there ever any move away from the Law and the Testimony under any of the apostles as we will see from the texts (cf. Mat. 5:17 also). It is critical to understand that the entire Christian Church kept the Temple Calendar including Sabbaths, New Moons and the Feasts and Holy Days including the Lord’s Supper on 14 Abib and the Passover, and Feasts of Unleavened Bread from 15-21 Abib, then Pentecost or the Feast of weeks on Sabbath and Sundays; and Trumpets, Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles in the Seventh Month (cf. God’s Calendar (No. 156)).


We will see also from the Scriptures and the NT texts that there was never any attempt to do away with the law and the testimony and the prophets clearly stated that the Law including God’s Calendar (No. 156) would be reinstated at the return of the Messiah, and as Christ stated Scripture cannot be broken (Jn. 10:34-36). The concept of heaven and hell was never entertained in the First Century Church or Second Century Church, even in Rome, and as we see from Justin Martyr (ca. 154 CE) anyone who said that when they died they went to heaven was not a Christian (Dial. LXXX). That was a doctrine of pseudo Christians who came in from the pagan Baal worshippers.


There was no such thing in Christianity as Sunday worship until Rome began including it alongside the Sabbath from 111 CE to appeal to the Baal worshippers of Attis and Mithras or Sol Invictus Elagabal and attract their people. Also the festival of the goddess Easter was not included until 154 in Rome, under Anicetus, and which worship caused the Quartodeciman Disputes (No. 277) and the schism forced by Victor in 192 CE in Rome. This was to lead to the Unitarian/Trinitarian Wars (No. 268). However, this was not even considered in the First century Church. Modern works trying to get Sunday worship into the First century church are pure fiction, as are works promoting Binitarianism and Trinitarianism (No. 076) or Ditheism (No. 076B). From the Fourth century the Athanasians, and later Trinitarians from the Fifth century, began to persecute the Unitarian Church (cf. Role of the Fourth Commandment in the Sabbath-keeping Churches of God (No. 170)).

