Christian Churches of God
No. 159B
1.0 20230626-20230626)
Christian Churches of
PO Box 369, WODEN
(Copyright © 2023 Wade Cox)
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Re: the UCG Calendar declaration of 2021 and the UCG Council of Elders
President's declaration that the Holy Spirit was given to the Church at
Pentecost 31 AD or CE
Dear UCG Council of Elders,
I am writing to express our profound disappointment at the self serving
and intellectually dishonest statement on the Calendar that the council issued
at Reference C.
To establish the academically understood position of the Churches of God
over the two Millennia we need to state the true position of the church which
has been nowhere dealt with by UCG either in its council statement in this
document or its ministry in any known document. We were forced to write to the
Churches of God over your incorrect declarations in 2008 at Ref. D. Your recent paper shows that you failed to
address any of those issues and repeated a multitude of false statements in
your recent article.
You seem to try to convey the impression that there was no Temple
Calendar in use in Judaism while the Temple stood or in the Churches of God
(Ref. E). You certainly do not even try to discuss its existence and appear to
dishonestly ignore even the possibility of its existence.
Your article of 2021 seems to be an apology for keeping the Hillel
Calendar of 358 CE (Refs. F, G, and H); although you seem to allow there was a
Karaite system before 358 CE. The Karaite system is addressed at Ref. I. This
of itself was caused by the post Temple rabbinical system and its traditions
derived from the Babylonian systems of Baal Worship. That is why the Levites
(except for the Zadokites) will be hewers of wood and drawers of water in the
Messianic system as we see from the prophecies in Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel
(F023 (coming soon), F024xiv, F026x, xi, xii). (See also below)
You also seem to argue that the oracles of God rests with the Jews which
is an utter fabrication, also addressed in our open letter to the Churches of
God re the New Moons and the Hillel Calendar at Ref. D, which also drew your attention
to the question of the responsibility of the Churches of God for the Oracles of
God (No. 184) (Ref. J).
It is also the opinion of the Council of Elders of CCG that the UCG
position regarding the Calendar not being fully contained in Scripture is also
a fabrication and verges on straight out blasphemy. The UCG paper states:
"it is clear one cannot derive a calendar directly from biblical
instructions alone."
No, what is
clear is the UCG council cannot (or will not) derive a calendar from biblical instruction.
The Temple Calendar was determined entirely from Scripture under God's
Authority and was restored with the entire jubilee system again at the
Restoration of Ezra and Nehemiah and in the reign of Artaxerxes II and for the
provisioning of the Levites in the Fourth Century BCE and it was kept
faithfully to 70 CE under the Temple system and by Christ and the Church of God
in spite of the efforts of the Pharisees (see below and Ref. R). The Talmud was
not constructed or developed until Hillel was issued and only the Mishnah and
the traditions and the Babylonian intercalations were relevant. Judah was
dispersed because of these traditions as we note from Jeremiah Ch. 13 (F024iv) and
Ezekiel (F026x,
xi, xii).
The Sabbaths and New Moons were kept as Sabbaths and the High Priest
robed for each of the days. Even the Romans, when they clamped down on the
Temple system handed the robes to the High Priests for the ceremonies and
special psalms were sung (see F019). At reference E we explain that the Calendar was determined according
to the Conjunctions which were determined years in advance in the Astronomical
Schools as Philo recorded in his explanation of the Calendar according to the
Special Laws determining the Calendar. So also the New Moons as determined by
the conjunctions which were on the day of the conjunction; and the Moons went
from one New Moon Conjunction to the next. The crescent moon was a pagan system
and was never used in the Temple system or in the Churches of God.
Your paper
states "The Church of God down to the modern era has followed the same
example as that of the early Church, which is to use the calendar proclaimed by the Jews through
the centuries." This is another blatant fabrication to add to this farrago
of fiction. The same fabrication was reportedly asserted by the later RCG
under Pack. Hillel did not exist in its early form until 358 and not in its
present form until the Twelfth Century after Maimonides modified it. For the
first three centuries it is impossible for the church to have used anything
other than the Temple Calendar. Even the Mishnah did not exist until ca 200 CE.
The Mishnah shows that back-to-back Sabbaths were in existence even then and
thus Hillel and it postponements did not exist.
The determination of the Astronomical Schools was established in ancient
Israel with the tribe of Issachar. Of these, two hundred chief men, (with their
men under them) all with understanding of the times, came to David at Hebron to
make him king and effectively establish the astronomical schools for the
determination in Israel, under the new king.
One of our senior elders stated of your article by the Council:
“They have failed to address that
Issachar were given understanding of astronomy.
And of the children of Issachar, which were men that
had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of
them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their
They failed to address that David used a
calculated calendar.
And David said unto Jonathan, Behold, tomorrow is the
new moon, and I should not fail to sit with the king at meat: but let me go,
that I may hide myself in the field unto the third day at even.
At 14.b. they fail to understand that to
have the authority to postpone Atonement is the same as claiming the authority
to postpone the Sabbath to Sunday. Their second to last paragraph claims
slavish obedience to Rabbi Hillel. To be logically consistent, they must by all
means keep a Sivan 6 Pentecost.” None of
the Churches of God did that and have never, in almost two thousand years, done
so. They have never sought to change times and the Law until Armstrong and
Dugger, using Hillel, did so.
The Churches of God kept Pentecost on
the Sunday in accordance with Scripture except for a short period in the RCG
system before it became WCG. Pentecost was kept in the Temple system on a
Sunday as was done in the Temple Calendar and in the Samaritan system also. The
Samaritans only began lighting conflicting beacons for the New Moons after the
Pharisees took over the post Temple system following the destruction of the
Sadducees, and corrupted the entire system, which ultimately led to the Hillel
Calendar of 358 CE.
UCG Council tries to ignore the fact that the Churches of God have kept
the Temple Calendar for over 1900 years (see Ref. K). The work at reference
tries to imply that the Jews were keeping the calendar in Babylon for a century
before its release. That is not correct. The Babylonian Intercalations were taken
to Hillel II by two Babylonian rabbis in 344 CE and the Council worked for 14
years developing it to the postponements and released the New Calendar in 358
CE. The Hillel calendar was and is imperfect and it was updated by Maimonides
in the Twelfth Century.
The Jews offered the new Hillel Calendar of 358 CE to the Churches of
God and to the churches associated with Rome in the Binitarian systems, which
were to adopt Trinitarianism in 381 at Constantinople, and those ratifying it
from Chalcedon in 451 CE.
None of the Churches of God, and even those that became pseudo
Christians from Rome, adopted Hillel, and the Churches of God rejected it
entirely. They kept the Temple Calendar for well over 1600 years generally
under Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos and Thyatira. It was corrupted in Sardis and
particularly in the US (except for the Caldwell conference).
The Sardis system in the US was completely corrupted when Herbert
Armstrong and Andrew Dugger introduced Hillel to COG (SD) ca. 1940. Armstrong
was a paid minister of Sardis until late 1946. Herbert Armstrong retained the
false Calendar when he formed Radio Church of God (RCG) in 1946 and then
retained it when he formed Worldwide Church of God (WCG) from the (RCG). He was
a paid minister of COG (SD) until late 1946 (per Roy Marrs, editor Bible
Advocate, COG (SD)). He was never validly baptised. He was baptised by a
Trinitarian Protestant minister, which none of the Churches of God accept, or
will accept, in any other individual. He
was ordained by the laying on of hands of the COG (SD) members at an all day
tent meeting, as he himself stated. Many of these people became RCG members but
were not such at the time.
Quartodeciman Disputes
Your article mentions these disputes and seems to attempt to link them
to Constantius, the son of Constantine, in the Fourth Century. The fact is that
the Quartodeciman disputes arose in 154 CE when Anicetus became bishop of Rome
and introduced the Festival of the God Attis at the Easter system of the goddess
Easter Consort of Baal of the Sun and Mystery Cults. The Church of God kept the
Temple Calendar and Hillel was still two centuries into the future. This pagan
innovation was opposed by Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna. The schism was prevented
until 192 CE when Victor became bishop of Rome and declared the Easter system,
(associated with the God Attis), as necessary for communion with Rome. This was
opposed by Polycrates without success (Ref. L).
The Christian Church split from this decision. Neither the Churches of
God keeping the Temple Calendar nor the Binitarian Cults stemming from Greece
and Rome accepted Hillel. This led to the complete rejection of Hillel as a
Judaising monstrosity that relied on Babylonian intercalations that put the
Passover in the wrong months and one third or more of the Time, two in the same
year, and relied on Postponements which were an unbiblical heresy. The
conflicts between the Temple Calendar and Trinitarianism led to the Unitarian/Trinitarian Wars (No. 268) and not as the article states.
The Babylonian Intercalations occur in the Hillel Calendar in 2023 for
the whole year of 2024 in all the churches keeping Hillel and they will then have
the Passover and all Holy Days and Feasts a month out for the whole year. The
fact is that under the Hillel Calendar, the Churches of God under Armstrong and
Dugger have never kept a Holy Day on the correct days in their entire
existence, except by accident. The Witnesses (Rev. 11:3ff) will stamp this
insidious evil out when they take up their station in Jerusalem soon. Since
1965 (or to 1967) on to the present day, WCG never kept the Passover correctly,
and with Hillel have forfeited their places in the First Resurrection.
The Churches of God were persecuted for the Quartodeciman Disputes and
the Law of God (L1) for centuries (F044vii)
(see Ref. M and N).
So also the Christian Churches that formed Islam did not keep Hillel but
kept the Temple System (Ref. O) (see also No. 122D).
Three feast seasons
The Council also appears to join the Seven Holy Days with the three
feast seasons as offerings contrary to Law (Exodus 23:14,17; Deuteronomy 14:23,
16:16) (No. 161). God forbids an offering at Atonement (Ex. 30:15). Nor does He allow
it to be postponed as Hillel so blatantly and unbiblically does. The three
feasts are pilgrimages and are to be kept out of our gates (Deut. 16:5-8).
You have continually refused to keep the New Moons as required in the
Temple Calendar. We were told through the prophet Isaiah that those failing to
keep the Sabbaths and New Moons in the last days will be put to death (Isa.
66:23-24). You certainly will not be in the First Resurrection at the return of
Messiah (see also below).
Holy Spirit
The statements issued by the President of the UCG Council, and a
regional director, that the Holy Spirit was given at Pentecost 31 AD (31 CE)
are very serious. The implications of these statements are enormous. Firstly,
the Holy Spirit (No. 117)
was given at Pentecost as it fell in Jerusalem on the year that Christ was
executed. In making this statement the Council is asserting that Christ was
executed at Passover 31 CE. This is impossible as the Passover in 31 CE did not
fall as it did in 30 CE. The Timings of the Passover in the years in which
Christ might have been, or was claimed to have been, executed are listed in
Ref. A. These calculations at reference A have been derived from those of Her
Majesty’s Nautical Almanac Office and confirmed by Mt. Stromlo in AU. Of these
14 Abib fell on:
Sunday |
28 March 28 CE |
Saturday |
16 April 29 CE |
Wednesday |
5 April 30 CE |
Sunday |
25 March 31 CE |
Saturday |
12 April 32 CE |
Thursday |
2 April 33 CE |
As we can see in 31 CE, it is impossible
for Messiah to have complied with the Sign of Jonah as he would have been in
the tomb from Monday to Sabbath evening, six days and nights in the belly of
the earth and thus could not have been Messiah. Only 30 CE complies with the
Sign of Jonah (No. 013)
(Ref. P). So also a Sunday Resurrection is impossible with all of them.
The UCG council effectively states their Reference texts are derived
from the Textus Receptus and thus the KJV and the NKJV and associated texts as
stated. The KJV and NKJV incorporate the forged texts of Daniel 9:25, among
others. The text was an attempt to link Daniel 9:25 to the Messiah and his
death. This fiction required the relocation of the Construction of the Temple
to Darius I (Hystaspes) which is impossible, as it breaches the biblical texts
of Ezra and Nehemiah. In spite of that fact, Herman Hoeh followed this gigantic
fabrication and then divided the final 70th week of years and allocated the
three and a half years to the last days, in misrepresentation of Daniel, and
came up with 31 CE as the death of the Messiah referred to in the text in
Daniel. To establish this fabrication based on the forgery, Hoeh then had to find
four Passovers in the gospel of John. There is only the one Passover in the
Synoptic Gospels (see F040 and F043). To
achieve this fiction, he falsely asserted that one of the references (which was
to Pentecost) was actually the fourth reference to Passover. This fiction was
taken up by Fred Coulter from WCG, but he withdrew that dating as false. When
Ref. A was published he stated to us that the text had been withdrawn. He had
managed to fudge the figures by allocating the Passover in question to the
Second Month on 25 April but the problem was that there had never been a
Passover as late as 25 April for centuries before 31 CE, and in fact in the
early period of the Kings. The Textus Receptus is known to contain many proven
forgeries (see ## 164F and 164G) and
hence the KJV and NKJV and all texts related to the Receptus are based on that
text (there are many other forged texts in the Receptus). There are in fact two
messiahs in Dan. 9:25 (see F027ix).
The first is Nehemiah (at the end of Seven Weeks of years) and the second
messiah, or anointed one is James, brother of Christ, cut off but not for
himself at the 69th Week of Years (63/4 CE (see the correct text in
Soncino, RSV, LXX, and DSS).
The Sign of Jonah finished in 70 CE at the end of the Seventy Weeks
of Years. The period commenced in the reign of Darius II and ended with the
fall and destruction of the Temple at Jerusalem under the Romans and the
closure of the Temple at Heliopolis before the New Moon of Abib 71 CE, by order
of Vespasian. That is another reason why 31 CE cannot be correct. (Ref Q).
It was by understanding this prophecy
from the LXX that the church understood that they had to flee to Pella, which
had requested a Roman Garrison.
officer says: the paper states "Once the Hebrew calendar is rejected,
whose calendar does one follow".
He says:
The answer should be obvious; God's calendar. The UCG should stop looking to
humans to decide their doctrines and have faith to know God has given us a book
with the answers.
Hillel is not the Hebrew Calendar at all. It is based on the Babylonian
Calendar and its intercalations, and the traditions and derived postponements.
God told
Jeremiah in Ch. 13 to buy a loin cloth and walk 400 miles to the Euphrates and
bury it. He did that so that Israel and Judah would understand the absolute
folly and heresy of getting involved with the Babylonian religious system (F024iv).
The COG in
the USA has also got itself in this position because it has adopted the
Trinitarian forgeries in the Receptus via the KJV and many have lost their
position in the Kingdom of God through the sheer incompetence of the ministry
Seventh Church of God in the Last Days
God knew
how corrupt the Churches of God would be in the Twentieth Century and what
would occur in the Last Days. He knew Judah would stay totally corrupt with the
Babylonian influences in the Last Days under Hillel and the Churches of God
would never reform itself without the final era of the church and the last
voice of prophecy. God did that in three Bible sources. The first was
specifically in Jeremiah 4:15-27. This was the voice derived from Dan/Ephraim
that was to warn of the Coming of the Messiah in the Last Days and to warn of
the Wars of the End. The purpose of that system was to also explain prophecy
especially the prophecies of the Latter Prophets from Isaiah, Jeremiah,
Ezekiel, Daniel and the Twelve Prophets to Malachi and on through the NT to
Revelation (Warning of the
Last Days (No. 044)).
The second
vehicle was in Ezekiel which must be coupled with Daniel to understand the serious
position of Israel and Judah and the time of the wars of the end. See also (F024; xiv; F026; x; xi; xii; No. 036; 036_2)
and the Sign of Jonah 013
(Ref. P), and Completion of the Sign of Jonah (No. 013B).
Ezekiel was also used to establish the timing of the Jubilee system and the
restoration. Hillel made a complete mess of this system using the Babylonian
intercalations and the 49 year jubilees which are completely unbiblical. The
WCG failed to carry it through when they did study the issue, because they
could not rid themselves of the lies of Hillel and the traditions. That error
consigned everyone in the Churches of God keeping it to the Second
Resurrection. They followed an invalidly baptised false prophet to the Second
Resurrection through ignorance (see also No. 269)
(Ref. X).
The third
vehicle was through Revelation in chapters 2 and 3 detailing the Churches of
Rev. 3:1-6
deals with the Sardis system and placed the last or demarcation system to the
final Church of that system that has the name that it is living but it is dead.
The only church that fits that description is the Living Church of God, formed
in 1997 from Global out of WCG. Sardis had the Unitarian Godhead until the
Ditheist system (No. 076B)
was advanced by Armstrong in RCG/WCG and that ultimately smashed their system
into Radical Unitarianism, (generally from the Freemasons (No. 076C))
and Binitarianism and Trinitarianism. (No. 076).
Two major
churches were formed out of the Sardis system aside from a few hundred
offshoots. The first of these was the Laodicean system (Rev. 3:14-22) which
became a major Sabbath system from North America but did not keep the Temple
Calendar and not even Hillel.
The other
major offshoot of the Laodiceans was the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society or
Jehovah's Witnesses. They became Antinomian Sunday keepers and thus failed
completely. They will be in neither the First Resurrection, nor the Millennium.
The final
system to be formed is the Philadelphian system (or church of brotherly love)
formed after the Laodicean system in spite of its place in Rev. 3:7-13. The key to the role and doctrines of this
church is found in Rev. 3:9.
Behold I
will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are jews and are
not, but lie- behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet and
learn that I have loved you.
In Rev.
3:10 we learn that this system has kept the word of patient endurance; it is to
be kept from the hour of trial that is to try those of the whole earth; verse 11
says that Messiah is coming soon and to hold fast that which that system has so
that no one may seize their crown. This system is to be made pillars in the
Temple of God. The text in verse 12 also continues on to say that: never
more shall he go out of it. This text indicates that there will be great
upheaval in the Churches of God over this period and that the ones in that
system will have been forced out of the Temple of God to retain their crowns
given the false doctrines involved (see No. 283). (Ref. S).
The people
claiming to be Jews at this time will be liars and not true Jews at all. These
and the people of the Churches of God following their doctrines will also be
rejected. They will have “lost their crown”. They are judged as in Amos 8:5-7,
11, and Isa. Ch. 1. They will be put out of the Temple system. The series of
Churches that retain their crowns are those of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos,
Thyatira and Philadelphia. Sardis and Laodicea are rejected as systems because
of their false doctrine and dead or lukewarm spirituality. The connection where
those who are saying that they are Jews but lie are the tribes that came into
Judaism with their traditions and made to bow down and worship or proskuneo to
those of the final and millennial system. These tribes are explained in the
tribes of Judah (No. 212E) and
Israel No. 212F).
The reality
of this text is that pseudo-Judah which represents over 90% of Judaism in the
Last Days will repent and then be made to pay obeisance before us as we have
become elohim in the First Resurrection and they have not done so. So also everyone keeping these false
doctrines of the Jews will have to repent before or under the earliest years of
the Witnesses to even have a chance at the First Resurrection. The fact is that
every person claiming to be of the Churches of God and who does not repent of
the Hillel system and the other doctrines of the synagogue of Satan before the
third year of the Witnesses commences will not enter the First Resurrection. If
the Churches of God do not repent at the coming of the Messiah, they will not
even enter the millennial system and they will be killed and consigned to the
Second Resurrection.
The Temple Calendar is what we of the Churches of God have kept since
the formation under Messiah in 27 CE. We have never kept Hillel until 1940 odd,
and we will be punished for that error along with the Jews and pseudo-Jews that
do not repent. Getting the doctrines and the Calendar correct is not some
sickness contrary to what some of the ministers have taught. It is our desire
to help you make the First Resurrection and survive either in the Resurrected
Saints or in the millennial system. The choice is yours. We will help you
understand more fully, if you request it. The answers are all in the Bible
although you seem to reject or avoid that issue.
God has given us all directions to
follow that are clear and precise. The proclamation of the Calendar is the
responsibility of the Church of God with the lampstand, in accordance with the
Laws of God. Hillel is not such an
instrument and the Jews, and everyone else, will be punished for what they do,
or fail to do. Your errors do not excuse the failure to
keep the Temple Calendar and Hillel will not excuse you or save your lives. You
are required to prove all things (1Thes. 5:21 and test the spirit of all men
(1Jn. 4:1) and keep the commandments of God and the faith and testimony of
Jesus Christ (Rev. 12:17, 14:12). One is to submit to God and His laws not to
false prophets who blatantly misrepresent Scripture. James 3:1 says you who
desire to teach will be more severely judged.
Christ did not keep Hillel. He
kept the Temple Calendar as we have done on until the mid Twentieth Century and
do so now. Hillel is a minor aberration of the COG (SD) and WCG system and
anyone stupid enough to follow it will not be among the elect. To say that the
modern Church has followed the Jews and their calendar is an outright lie. See also Isa. 1:13-14 to see what you people
have done and corrupted God's Sabbaths, Feasts, New Moons, Laws and you will be
stricken for violation, and put out of the Temple system.
Measuring of the Temple
Revelation 11:1-2 states that
there is to be a Measuring of the Temple (No. 137) (Ref. T) in the Last
Days. The sequence is as follows:
On 16 January 1986 the Idol, or
Worthless, Shepherd of Zechariah (11:17) died. He had made himself a demigod in
the Sardis system through a process of brainwashing over the fifty years of
RCG/WCG’s brief existence, using the corrupt self-seeking ministry of those who
would profit from the brethren as prophesied in Ezekiel Ch. 34 (F026ix). His family influence was
removed and almost dead. For a number of corrupt reasons, he had appointed a
successor that knew little and allowed the Trinitarian subversion of the WCG.
In 1987 prior to 1 Abib J.W. Tkach announced the Measurement of the Temple had
begun and read Rev. 11:1-2, almost as Caiphas announced the death of Christ in
30 CE. This was in effect the assessment of the Temple, and the world, over the
last 40 years from the year of the Third Sabbatical cycle to the Jubilee of
2027. This was the forty years of the Last Generation of this age (Mat. 24:34;
Mk. 13:30; Lk. 21:32).
The first phase was the
measurement of the Ministry over the first seven years to the Third year of the
Third Cycle of the 120th.Jubilee in 1994. In this year God scattered
this apostate church to the four winds. Over the next thirty years the world
began to be informed under the Final Church system, of brotherly love, that
restored the Temple Calendar and the Jubilees. The ministry were now under
their final test and the brethren were then tried. The churches proved their
complete inability to correct false doctrine and correct lies, as this UCG
document of 2021 (44th year of the Jubilee) proves. 2022 is the
Third year and the major changes of the Seventh cycle began. The corruption of
the Israelite nations was final, and the destruction began as we see in Wars of
the End Pt. I: Wars of Amalek (No. 141C) (Ref. U).
We are now in the Final or Second
Holocaust and most of the world will die. All the keepers of Hillel and those
who do not keep the Law and the Testimony (Isa 8:20; Rev. 12:17; 14:12) will
not be allowed into the First Resurrection (No. 143A) (Ref. V) of the elect or
into the Millennium.
The Second Resurrection
Those of the false systems of
Sardis and Laodicea will be sent to the Second Resurrection and the Great White
Throne Judgment (No. 143B) (Ref. W) with the rest of mankind. There they will
be retrained with the rest of humanity and the Demons (see No. 080).
The fact is that the Sardis
system has baptised over 300,000 people in its period of the Twentieth Century
under Hillel and the Laodicean system has baptised millions under an antinomian
system of lies. All those people will be furious when they find out what these
false prophets (No.
269) (Ref. X) and scoundrels have
done to them. As a result the Host will have to place the entire ministry into
Cities of Refuge until they can re-educate the people to forgive them and give
them a chance to repent. So also with “popes” and Trinitarian Ministers and all
Jews keeping Hillel that have not repented. Those that do not repent under
re-education will simply die at the end of the system in 3127 and their
carcasses will be disposed of in the Lake of Fire. The choice is theirs. Any
one stupid enough to follow them is certainly unfit for the Kingdom of God.
Timing of the
Crucifixion and the Resurrection (No. 159)
The Forty Days
Following Christ’s Resurrection (No. 159A)
C UCG Council of Elders Doctrinal Statement on the
Calendar of 2021
D Open Letter to
The Churches of God Re: New Moons and the Hillel Calendar (No 124B)
F The Calendar and the Moon, Postponements or
Festivals (No. 195)
G Distortion of God's Calendar in
Judah (No. 195B)
H Hillel, Babylonian Intercalations
and the Temple Calendar (No. 195C)
I Origin and Basis of the Karaite Division (No.
K. Acts of the Apostles (F044vii)
L The Quartodeciman Disputes (No.
M General Distribution of the Sabbath– Keeping
Churches (No. 122)
N Role of the Fourth Commandment in
the Sabbath-keeping Churches of God (No. 170).
O Sabbath in the Koran (No. 274)
P. The Sign of Jonah and the History of
the Reconstruction of the Temple (No. 013)
Q War with Rome and the Fall of the
Temple (No. 298)
R Reading the Law
with Ezra and Nehemiah (No. 250)
S Pillars of Philadelphia
(No. 283)
T Measuring the
Temple (No. 137)
U The Armageddon Series at
V First
Resurrection of the Dead (No. 143A)
W Resurrection of
the Dead and the Great White Throne Judgment (No. 143B)
Y Why the Church of God
Collapsed from the US (No. 076E)
Wade Cox
Coordinator General
Christian Churches of God