Churches of God
No. F055
Commentary on 2Timothy
(Edition 1.0 20201106-20201106)
2Timothy continues
on from the sequence and theology advanced by Paul in 1Timothy. It also deals
with the Unitarian themes of that work.
Churches of God
(Copyright © 2020 Wade Cox)
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Commentary on 2Timothy
From the book of
Acts (16:1) we learn that Timothy was the son of a Greek and a Jewish woman
Eunice who became a Christian along with her mother Lois (1:5, 3:15). Both were of good standing in the Church of
God at Lystra and Iconium as was Timothy. He had already been converted to the
faith when Paul visited Lystra, Asia Minor and then on his second Journey Paul appointed
him to assist him in his missionary work (Acts 16:1-3) and placed him at work
in support of the body of Christ under the law. He was ordained at an early age
hence the comments by Paul regarding his age in 1Timothy. From that comment he
may have been appointed either at 24 or 29 years depending upon the nature of
the work he was to do. Perhaps at 24 years prior to the legal age of 25 for
service in the Temple of God, which Temple we are (1Cor. 3:16-17; 6:19). He is often mentioned in Acts and in the
opening sentences of a number of Paul’s letters such as 1 and 2Thessalonians
and 2Corinthians. He was a close friend and confidant of Paul and the other
leaders of the Church of God.
It is generally
accepted that at the end of the book of Acts, the apostle Paul was still in
prison in Rome. When he was released from prison, he reportedly went to
Macedonia (1Timothy 1:3) and from there he travelled to other places. While on
these journeys, he wrote the first letter to Timothy. Timothy was then in the
city of Ephesus. Timothy was seemingly the leader of the church there or at the
least was appointed leader at Ephesus by Paul. Later Paul was again in prison
in Rome. It was from there that he wrote this second letter to Timothy, while
Timothy was still in Ephesus. Paul was reportedly martyred towards the end of
the First Century as he was certainly replaced there by John after his release
from Patmos. We base this on the authority of the fragment of Irenaeus who sat
at the feet of John at Ephesus when he was a child after the beginning of the
Second Century CE. (cf. P291 App. A).
Paul wrote this
second letter to Timothy from prison just before he died. Paul knew that the
time of his death had come (2Timothy 4:6-8).
Paul obviously wanted
to see Timothy again and thinks about him as his own son (2Timothy 1:4). Paul,
from his comments is anxious for company in the cold prison. He urges Timothy
to try to come before the winter (2Timothy 4:21). He asks Timothy to bring the
warm coat that he had left in the town of Troas. He also asks Timothy to bring
his books and papers (2 Timothy 4:13).
“In the court for
the first time, he had been successful. But all his friends except Luke had
left him (2Timothy 4:11, 16). Although he had succeeded that time, the *Romans
would not set him free. He expects that they will soon kill him (2 Timothy
Paul writes to
encourage Timothy in his Christian life. He urges him to be strong in what he
believes. Timothy must use the gifts that God has given to him. He must preach
the gospel and teach the truth.
This letter is
much more personal than the first one. Paul urges him to be strong in his
belief in the Lord (1:1-7). He should not be ashamed of the Lord or of Paul. He
must be prepared to suffer for the *gospel (1:8-2:13).
As he had done in
the first letter, Paul warns against the false teachers (2:14-19). Timothy must
be a noble servant of Christ (2:20-26). In the last days, people will do awful
things (3:1-9). But Timothy must continue to do what he has learned and knows.
He must do what the scriptures say (3:10-17). He must preach the gospel because
it is urgent that people hear it (4:1-5).
Paul then talks
about his own life and what he expects to happen (4:6-8). Then he asks Timothy
to come and he tells him about his situation (4:9-18). He ends the letter with
greetings to his friends and asks the Lord to bless Timothy (4:19-22).”
We will now look at Bullinger’s comments and then look at the intent of the chapters.
Book Overview - 2Timothy
by E.W. Bullinger
2 Timothy 1:1-2.
2 Timothy 1:3-18.
2 Timothy 2:1-26.
2 Timothy 3:1-17; 2 Timothy 4:1-8. CHARGES CONNECTED WITH THE APOSTASY.
2 Timothy 4:9-21.
1. The Second Epistle to Timothy
is the latest of all of Paul's writings. It was written during his second imprisonment
at Rome, within a short time of his martyrdom (2 Timothy 4:6),
probably at the end of A. D. 67 or early 68. It is thought that at this time
Timothy was at Ephesus. The apostle’s regard for his "dearly
beloved son" is seen in 2 Timothy 1:4,
and it is affecting to observe the pathetic desire to see Timothy once more
before death, 4:9, 11, 21. No further mention is made of Timothy. The tradition
that he suffered martyrdom about the end of the first century is only
2. The prominent
feature of this Epistle is the "church’s" departure
from the truth (See 2 Timothy 1:15; 2 Timothy 2:17; 2 Timothy 3:8; 2 Timothy 4:4).
When "all they which are in Asia (cp. Acts 19:10) be
turned away from" Paul, he exhorts Timothy, his "son", therefore to
"be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus". No more is there
heard, as in the First Epistle and in that to Titus, the apostolic guidance for
the church rule or administration of any kind. Only two things are possible
now, "preach the word" (2 Timothy 4:2),
and "The things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same
commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also" (2 Timothy 2:2).
And, as in the First Epistle, the Holy Spirit through Paul tells of even worse
days to come, perilous, or grievous, times "in the last days" (2 Timothy 3:1; 2 Timothy 4:3), the only charge in connection with which is
"Continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured
of" (2 Timothy 3:14).
Paul commences in
Chapter 1 to encourage him and lists the faith in that it was his grandmother
Lois that was first called and then his mother and then he. He was obviously in
distress and the letter encourages him to strength in the faith. He is urged to
stir up the Gift of God within him which had been given to him in the laying on
of hands by Paul (1:3-7). Paul may well be encouraging himself when he says
that God had not given them a spirit of fear but of power and of love and a
sound mind and not to be ashamed of Christ or of Paul his prisoner.
speaks here (in vv. 8-10) as he did in Romans 8:28-31 where God called us with
a Holy Calling not because of any works we might have done but according to His
calling in Power and Grace in Christ Jesus before the world began. Thus the gifts and the Call of God are
according to His Divine Prescience in His Predestination (No.
Chapter 1
1Paul, an
apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God according to the promise of the life
which is in Christ Jesus, 2To
Timothy, my beloved child: Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and
Christ Jesus our Lord. 3I thank God whom I serve with a clear
conscience, as did my fathers, when I remember you constantly in my prayers. 4As
I remember your tears, I long night and day to see you, that I may be filled
with joy. 5I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt
first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure,
dwells in you. 6Hence I remind you to rekindle the gift of God that
is within you through the laying on of my hands; 7for God did not give us a spirit
of timidity but a spirit of power and love and self-control. 8Do not
be ashamed then of testifying to our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in
suffering for the gospel in the power of God, 9who saved us and
called us with a holy calling, not in virtue of our works but in virtue of his
own purpose and the grace which he gave us in Christ Jesus ages ago, 10and
now has manifested through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who
abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. 11For
this gospel I was appointed a preacher and apostle and teacher, 12and
therefore I suffer as I do. But I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have
believed, and I am sure that he is able to guard until that Day what has been
entrusted to me. 13Follow the pattern of the sound words which you
have heard from me, in the faith and love which are in Christ Jesus; 14guard
the truth that has been entrusted to you by the Holy Spirit who dwells within
us. 15You are aware that all who are in Asia turned away from me,
and among them Phygelus and Hermogenes. 16May the Lord grant mercy
to the household of Onesiphorus, for he often refreshed me; he was not ashamed
of my chains, 17but when he arrived in Rome he searched for me
eagerly and found me-- 18may the Lord grant him to find mercy from
the Lord on that Day--and you well know all the service he rendered at Ephesus.
Paul is not
ashamed to partake of his suffering as a good soldier witnessing to the Lord
(1:8-18). So is it with us all to endure suffering as good soldiers with Jesus
Christ (2:1-13). In encountering false teachers with godless chatter Timothy
and we all are to be sound workmen handling the word rightly (2:14-19). Thus we
purify ourselves from what is ignoble so as to be vessels fit for the Master’s
use (2:20-26).
Chapter 2
1You then, my son, be
strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus, 2and what you have
heard from me before many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to
teach others also. 3Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ
Jesus. 4No soldier on service gets entangled in civilian pursuits,
since his aim is to satisfy the one who enlisted him. 5An athlete is
not crowned unless he competes according to the rules. 6It is the
hard-working farmer who ought to have the first share of the crops. 7Think
over what I say, for the Lord will grant you understanding in everything. 8Remember
Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, descended from David, as preached in my
gospel, 9the gospel for which I am suffering and wearing fetters
like a criminal. But the word of God is not fettered. 10Therefore I
endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain
salvation in Christ Jesus with its eternal glory. 11The saying is
sure: If we have died with him, we shall also live with him; 12if we
endure, we shall also reign with him; if we deny him, he also will deny us; 13if
we are faithless, he remains faithful--for he cannot deny himself. 14Remind
them of this, and charge them before the Lord to avoid disputing about words,
which does no good, but only ruins the hearers. 15Do your best to
present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who has no need to be
ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. 16Avoid such godless
chatter, for it will lead people into more and more ungodliness, 17and their talk will eat its way
like gangrene. Among them are Hymenaeus and Philetus, 18who have
swerved from the truth by holding that the resurrection is past already. They
are upsetting the faith of some. 19But God's firm foundation stands,
bearing this seal: "The Lord knows those who are his," and, "Let
every one who names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity." 20In
a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver but also of wood
and earthenware, and some for noble use, some for ignoble. 21If any
one purifies himself from what is ignoble, then he will be a vessel for noble
use, consecrated and useful to the master of the house, ready for any good
work. 22So shun youthful passions and aim at righteousness, faith,
love, and peace, along with those who call upon the Lord from a pure heart. 23Have
nothing to do with stupid, senseless controversies; you know that they breed
quarrels. 24And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but
kindly to every one, an apt teacher, forbearing, 25correcting his
opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant that they will repent and come
to know the truth, 26and they may escape from the snare of the
devil, after being captured by him to do his will. (RSV)
Hence by this means we are able to instruct those in gentleness that
oppose or work against themselves and are able to instruct them to repentance in
acknowledging the truth and recover themselves from the snare of the devil who
has taken them captive at his will (vv. 24-26).
Paul then looks forward to the Last Days which are ahead of the church.
This period looked forward over the next two millennia to the coming of the
Messiah. As we look it is more so now than ever before. The elect will be
persecuted increasingly over time. All
those that wish to follow the laws of God and the Faith and Testimony of Christ
will be suffer until the end of the Age (cf. also Rev. 12:17; 14:12).
The point is, God
calls us into the Kingdom of God for His own purpose and not because of
anything we are. We are called in to work. God puts us in to do a job. The way
we keep our end of the bargain and our way of gaining the First Resurrection is
to work once we are called and given the Holy Spirit. Also, it is necessary to
produce the fruits of righteousness in the Holy Spirit by keeping the
Commandments of God and the Testimony of the Faith of Jesus Christ. That is our
qualification. The grace of God was given to Jesus Christ. He did not own the
grace of God intrinsically in his own right (vv. 6-9).
Only God is
immortal but it was Christ who abolished death by his actions and brought
immortality to light. We are able to partake of immortality because of Christ.
He qualified and was then given immortality and that consequently went on to us
In other words,
the Holy Spirit guards the Mysteries of God until the Day of the Lord. What has
been entrusted to Paul will not die. It will be kept by the Holy Spirit, and it
was locked into the Bible. Nobody can destroy the Bible. That is an order of
God. We have the inspired word of God (vv. 11-12)
Thus the first
fruit of the Holy Spirit is the guardianship of truth. That is the primary aim
and objective. The Holy Spirit is of power and love and self-control. The
fruits evident from this text are given towards the first aim of the elect,
which is the guardianship of truth as the first aspect of righteousness (vv.
Another fruit is mercy,
which we shall see later (Jas. 3:17). The elect worship the Father in Spirit
and in truth (Jn. 4:23-24). Truth is central to the worship of God. We cannot
worship God unless we worship Him in the Holy Spirit in truth. The Holy Spirit
is the means by which we guard the truth. The central fruit is our ability to
first worship the One True God. The capacity of the Holy Spirit to show these
fruits is centred on the capacity to worship God the Father (cf. The Holy Spirit (No. 117)). So the
guardianship of truth is the guardianship of our capacity to work and worship.
The testimony of the Spirit and of the prophets and hence the elect is true
(Jn. 5:33). Only the truth can set us free (Jn. 8:32). Satan fell because he
did not abide in the truth (Jn. 8:44).
Chapter 3
1But understand this,
that in the last days there will come times of stress. 2For men will
be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to
their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3inhuman, implacable, slanderers,
profligates, fierce, haters of good, 4treacherous, reckless, swollen
with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5holding the form of religion but
denying the power of it. Avoid such people. 6For among them are
those who make their way into households and capture weak women, burdened with
sins and swayed by various impulses, 7who will listen to anybody and
can never arrive at a knowledge of the truth. 8As Jannes and Jambres
opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men of corrupt mind and
counterfeit faith; 9but they will not get very far, for their folly
will be plain to all, as was that of those two men. 10Now you have
observed my teaching, my conduct, my aim in life, my faith, my patience, my
love, my steadfastness, 11 my
persecutions, my sufferings, what befell me at Antioch, at Iconium, and at
Lystra, what persecutions I endured; yet from them all the Lord rescued me. 12Indeed
all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, 13while
evil men and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceivers and deceived. 14But
as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing
from whom you learned it 15and
how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings which are
able to instruct you for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16All
scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for
correction, and for training in righteousness, 17that the man of God
may be complete, equipped for every good work. (RSV)
In this text we saw that Paul used himself as an example
(3:10-17). In this text Paul refers back
to all Scripture as given by the inspiration of God and is profitable for
doctrine, reproof, correction, instruction and righteousness. Thus anyone who
speaks contrary to the Law and the Testimony has no light in them (Isa. 8:20).
Chapter 4 then goes on to deal with the advent of the Messiah
and then the Resurrection of the Dead. Christ deals with the dead in two
sections: The First Resurrection (No. 143A) and
then the Second Resurrection at the end of the Millennial Kingdom of God (cf.
also Daniel Chapter 12
and Revelation chapter 20 in Second Resurrection
of the Dead and the Great White Throne Judgment (No. 143B)).
Chapter 4
1I charge you in the
presence of God and of Christ Jesus who is to judge the living and the dead,
and by his appearing and his kingdom: 2preach the word, be urgent in
season and out of season, convince, rebuke, and exhort, be unfailing in
patience and in teaching. 3For the time is coming when people will
not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for
themselves teachers to suit their own likings, 4and will turn away from listening
to the truth and wander into myths. 5As for you, always be steady,
endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfil your ministry. 6For
I am already on the point of being sacrificed; the time of my departure has
come. 7I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I
have kept the faith. 8Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown
of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that
Day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing. 9Do
your best to come to me soon. 10For Demas, in love with this present
world, has deserted me and gone to Thessalonica; Crescens has gone to Galatia,
Titus to Dalmatia. 11Luke alone is with me. Get Mark and bring him
with you; for he is very useful in serving me. 12Tychicus I have
sent to Ephesus. 13When you come, bring the cloak that I left with
Carpus at Troas, also the books, and above all the parchments. 14Alexander
the coppersmith did me great harm; the Lord will requite him for his deeds. 15Beware
of him yourself, for he strongly opposed our message. 16At my first
defense no one took my part; all deserted me. May it not be charged against
them! 17But the Lord stood by me and gave me strength to proclaim
the message fully, that all the Gentiles might hear it. So I was rescued from
the lion's mouth. 18The Lord will rescue me from every evil and save
me for his heavenly kingdom. To him be the glory for ever and ever. Amen. 19Greet
Prisca and Aquila, and the household of Onesiphorus. 20Erastus
remained at Corinth; Trophimus I left ill at Miletus. 21Do your best
to come before winter. Eubulus sends greetings to you, as do Pudens and Linus
and Claudia and all the brethren. 22The Lord be with your spirit.
Grace be with you. (RSV)
The warning by Paul in 2Timothy most certainly rings true in light of
some who now erroneously claim that the Lord's Supper should be observed on
times, rather than at dark beginning of the 14th when Christ
instituted the bread and wine as the New Covenant symbols, and when he was
betrayed later in that evening (2Tim. 4:1-4).
Also it is absolutely necessary for baptised members who are part of
the Melchisedek priesthood under Christ to partake in the commemorative
Passover meal on the evening of the 15th of Abib and to observe the
Night of Watching. This understanding
has been perverted by the pseudo Christians who also deny the Resurrection at
the Return of Messiah and say that when they die they go to heaven. These
people are not Christians (cf. No. 143A).
There can be no Trinitarian implications in Paul as he is at pains to
make distinction between God and Christ. Paul was not a Trinitarian (cf. No. 198).
In 2Timothy, Paul asserts the position of Saviour to Christ (2Tim.
From this text we begin to see the distinction as it arises in the
Bible. The explanation is simple. God saved us and called us with a holy
calling, ages ago. This was done
according to His purpose and the grace which He gave us in Christ Jesus ages
ago. In fact, He gave us this grace and wrote us in the Book of Life before the
foundation of the world (Rev. 13:8; 17:8).
Christ then came as God’s appointed Saviour and abolished death and
brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. He died and was
resurrected through the power of God and became a son of God in power through
his resurrection from the dead (Rom. 1:4).
The explanation, therefore, is that it was the power of God that
enabled Christ to be sent as God’s designated Saviour to the world.
Now do we have any other texts against which to test this hypothesis?
Peter says that:
2Peter 1:3-4 His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, 4by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, that through these you may escape from the corruption that is in the world because of passion, and become partakers of the divine nature. (RSV)
Therefore, God
called us to His own glory and excellence, making us partakers of His Spirit so
that we might know Him. The Spirit thus enables us to partake of all things
that pertain to life and godliness. In the same way it was the Holy Spirit that
gave Christ the condition of godliness. The Spirit thus enables us to action.
There must therefore be fruits of the Holy Spirit. These fruits are those
worthy of repentance (Lk. 3:8). These are the fruits, or the fruit, of
righteousness (Phil. 1:11). As Paul says, an athlete is not crowned unless he
competes according to the rules. There are set rules for the retention of the
Holy Spirit. We cannot get our crown unless we follow those rules.
Bullinger’s Notes on 2Timothy (KJV)
Chapter 1
Verse 1
apostle. App-189.
Jesus Christ. App-98.
God. App-98.
Christ Jesus. App-98.
Verse 2
dearly beloved. App-135.
Grace. App-184.
Father. App-98.
Lord. App-98.
Compare Philippians 1:2; 1 Thessalonians 1:1. 1 Timothy 1:1, 1 Timothy 1:2.
Verse 3
thank. See 1 Timothy 1:12.
forefathers. Greek. progonos. See 1 Timothy 5:4.
with = in.
Greek. en.
ceasing. Greek. adialeiptos. See Romans 9:2.
Compare Romans 1:9.
remembrance. Greek. mneia.
See Romans 1:9.
Verse 4
desiring. Greek. epipotheo. See Romans 1:11.
being mindful = having
that = in order
that. Greek hina.
filled. App-125.
When I call, &c.
Literally Having received remembrance (Greek. hupomnesis. Here
and 2 Peter 1:13, 2 Peter 3:1).
unfeigned. See 1 Timothy 1:5.
that is. Omit.
dwelt = indwelt.
Greek. enoikeb. See Romans 8:11,
grandmother. Greek. mamme.
Only here.
Verse 6
Wherefore = on
account of (App-104) which cause.
put., in
Greek. anamimnisko. See 1 Corinthians 4:17.
stir up. Lit, stir
into flame. Greek. anasdpureo. Only here.
Verse 7
hath. given = gave.
the = a.
spirit. App-101.
fear =
cowardice. Greek. deilia. Only here.
power. App-172.
sound mind. Greek sophroaiamoa. Only
here. Compare 1 Timothy 2:9; 1 Timothy 3:2. Titus 2:4, Titus 2:6, Titus 2:12.
Verse 8
of. Genitive of
relation, concerning.
nor. Greek. mede.
partaker of
the afflictions =
suffer evil with (me). Greek su nkakopatheo, Only here.
gospel. App-120.
Verse 9
bath. Omit.
saved. Compare 1 Timothy 1:1
called. Compare 1 Timothy 6:12.
purpose. See Acts 11:23.
before, &c.
Verse 10
made manifest. App-106.
appearing. App-106.
Who = in that
hath. Omit.
abolished. Greek. katargeo. See Luke 13:7.
brought . . .
to light =
shed light on. Greek. photizo. See Luke 11:36 .
immortality =
incorruption. Greek. aphtharsia. See Romans 2:7.
The Lord did this in His own person, when He rose from the dead, alive for
evermore. Acts 13:34. Romans 6:9. Revelation 1:18.
through, App-104. 2 Timothy 1:1.
Verse 11
Whereunto = Unto
(Greek. eis) which.
am = was.
preacher. App-121.
Gentiles. Greek. ethnos,
Compare Acts 22:21; Acts 28:28. Romans 11:13; Romans 11:15, Romans 11:16. Galatians 1:16; Galatians 2:2. Ephesians 3:1, Ephesians 3:8. 1 Timothy 2:7.
Verse 12
For the which
Same as "wherefore", 2 Timothy 1:6.
also, &c = I
suffer these things also.
keep = guard,
as in 1 Timothy 6:20.
that which I
have committed unto Him = my deposit. Greek paratheke. Seo 1 Timothy 6:20.
against = unto. Greek. e is.
that day. The day of His
appearing. Compare 2 Timothy 4:8.
Verse 13
fast, Omit.
form. Greek. hupotupoais.
See 1 Timothy 1:16.
sound. See 1 Timothy 1:10 with 1 Timothy 6:3.
words. App-121.
of = from.
Greek. para. App-104.
Verse 14
That good . .
. thee =
The good deposit. Greek. parathe ke, as in 2 Timothy 1:12.
Holy Ghost. App-101.
Verse 15
be turned = turned.
Phygellus, &c.
Nothing is known of these two.
Verse 16
house =
household. Onesiphorus must have recently died.
refreshed. Greek anapsucho. Only
here. Compare Acts 3:19.
chain. Compare Acts 28:20. Ephesians 6:20.
Verse 18
Lord. App-98.
ministered. App-190.
unto me. =
in. App-104.
very well. Greek. beltion. Only
Verse 1
son .
App-108 .
be strong .
Greek. endunamoo . See Acts
9:22 , and compare Ephesians
6:10 .
in .
App-104 . grace. App-184 .
Christ Jesus .
App-98 .
Verse 2
of .
App-104 .
among =
by means of. App-104 . 2
Timothy 2:1 .
the same =
these. faithful. App-160 .
men. App-123
who =
such as.
able competent.
See 2
Corinthians 2:16 (sufficient).
others .
App-124 . No reference to bishops and ecclesiastical organizations. All these
have failed.
Verse 3
endure hardness .
Greek. kakopatheo . Literally suffer
evil .
Here, 2
Timothy 2:9 ; 2
Timothy 4:5 , James
5:13 .
Jesus Christ .
The texts read "Christ Jesus", as 2
Timothy 2:1 .
Verse 4
No man No
one. Greek. oudeis.
warreth .
Compare 1
Timothy 1:18 .
entangleth .
Greek empteko. Only here and 2
Peter 2:20 .
affairs .
Greek. pragmateia. Only here.
life .
App-170 .
that =
in order that. Greek hina .
hath chosen ,
&c. = chose, &c. Greek. stratoiogeo. Only here. The
Master's "Well done" is the reward.
Verse 5
if .
a man =
any one. App-123 .
also strive =
strive also,
strive for masteries =
contend in the games. Greek. athteo . Only here.
not .
App-105 .
crowned .
Greek. stephanoo. Only here and Hebrews
2:7 , Hebrews
2:9 . The crown was of wild olive or laurel leaves.
except =
if ( ean )., not (m5). lawfully. See 1
Timothy 1:8 .
Verse 6
first ,
&c. = the first to partake.
Verse 7
Lord .
App-98 .
give .
The texts read shall give".
Verse 8
that .
Jesus Christ .
App-98 . The thoughts of Timothy are directed to the person of Jesus Christ, as
well as to His work. Compare Hebrews
3:1 ; Hebrews
3:12 , Hebrews
3:3 ; Hebrews
3:7 , Hebrews
3:8 . App-104 .
David .
Compare Romans
1:3 ,
was .
raised .
App-178 .
from the dead .
App-139 .
according to .
App-104 .
gospel, App-140
Verse 9
Wherein =
In (Greek. en) which.
suffer trouble .
Greek. kakopatheo, no in 2
Timothy 2:3 .
evil doer .
Greek. kakourgos. Only here and Luke
23:32 , Luke
23:33 , Luke
23:39 (of the malefactors crucified with the Lord). For the other
word for evil doer, kopoios, see John
18:30 .
unto =
as for as. Greek. mechri.
word .
App-121 .
God. App-98
Verse 10
Therefore =
On account of ( App-104 . 2
Timothy 2:2 ) this.
for. sakes .
App-104 . 2
Timothy 2:2 .
may also =
also may.
with .
App-10 .
eternal .
App-151 .
glory. See
p. 1511.
Verse 11
It is ,
&c. = Faithful is the saying. The fourth occurance. See 1
Timothy 1:15 .
saying =
word. App-121 . if. App-118 . a,
be dead with =
died with (Greek. sunapotinesko) Him. See 2
Corinthians 7:3 .
also live ,
&c. = live together also with (Greek. suzab) Him. See Romans
6:8 .
Verse 12
suffer .
Same as "endure", 2
Timothy 2:10 .
also reign ,
to. = reign together also, to. Greek. sumbasileuo . Only
here and 1
Corinthians 4:8 .
Verse 13
believe not =
are unbelieving. Greek. apieteo. Acts
28:24 .
abideth .
See p. 1511.
He .
The texts prefix "For".
cannot =
is not ( App-105 .) able to.
Verse 14
put, &c.
Greek. hupomimnesko See John
14:26 .
charging =
earnestly testifying to. Greek. diamarturomai See Acts
2:40 .
the Lord .
Some texts read "God strive. about words. Greek. logomacheo. Only
here. The noun in 1
Timothy 6:4 .
not .
App-105 .
to .
App-104 .
no profit =
nothing (Greek. oudeis) profitable (Greek. chresimos .
Only here).
to. App-104
subverting .
Greek. katastrophe. Only here and 2
Peter 2:6 .
Verse 15
Study =
Be diligent. Greek spoudazo. See Galatians
1:2 , Galatians
1:10 .
shew =
present, as Colossians
1:22 , Colossians
1:28 .
approved .
Greek. dokimos . See Romans
14:18 .
unto =
to Dative case.
workman .
Greek. engrates. This word is translated "labourer ten times;
"worker", or "workman", six times. that, &c. = without
cause for shame. Greek. anepaischuntos . Only here.
rightly dividing .
Greek. orthofomeo. Only here.
Verse 16
shun .
Greek. periistemi . See Acts
25:7 .
profane .
See 1
Timothy 1:9 .
vain babblings .
See 1
Timothy 6:20 .
increase =
advance. Greek. prokopto. See Romans
13:12 ,
unto ,
App-104 .
ungodliness .
App-128 .
Verse 17
eat .
Literally have pasture (Greek. nome. Only here and John
10:9 ),
canker =
gangrene. Greek. gangraina. Only here.
Hymenesus Compare 1
Timothy 1:20
Philetue ,
Nothing is known of him.
Verse 18
Who =
For they.
concerning .
App-104 .
have .
erred .
See 1
Timothy 1:6 .
resurrection .
App-178 .
is past =
has taken place.
overthrow =
overturn. Greek. anatrepo. Only here end Titus
1:11 .
faith .
App-150 .
Verse 19
the foundation ,
&c, = God's firm foundation.
sure =
firm. Greek. stereos .
Here; Hebrews
5:12 , Hebrews
5:14 ; 1
Peter 5:9 . Compare Acts
16:5 .Colossians
2:5 ,
Lord .
App-98 .
knoweth =
knew. App-132 . A reference here to Numbers
16:5 .
Christ. The
texts read "the Lord". as above.
from .
App-104 .
iniquity .
App-128 . May allude to Numbers
16:26 .
Verse 20
also ,
&c. = wooden also. of wood wooden. Greek. xulinos . Only
here and Revelation
9:20 .
of earth .
Greek. ostrakinos, See 2
Corinthians 4:7 .
to .
App-104 .
Verse 21
purge =
thoroughly purge. Greek ekkathairo. See 1
Corinthians 5:7 ,
unto .
App-104 .
meet =
useful or profitable. Greek. euchrestos, Only here, 2
Timothy 4:11 .Philippians
1:11 .
Master's .
App-98 .
Verse 22
youthful =
the youthful. Greek. neoterikos. Only here.
righteousness .
App-191 .
charity .
App-135 .
out of .
App-104 .
Verse 23
foolish =
the foolish. Greek. moros. See 1
Corinthians 1:25 .
unlearned =
uninstructed, and so, trifling. Greek. apaidentos . Only
here in N.T., but occurs in the Septuagint several times translated
questions .
Greek. zetesis . See Acts
26:30 .
avoid =
reject, or refuse. See 1
Timothy 4:7 ,
knowing .
App-182 .
gender =
strifes .
Greek. mache . See 2
Corinthians 7:5 .
Verse 24
servant .
App-190 .:2.
strive. Greek. machomai. See Acts
1:26 .
gentle. See 1
Thessalonians 2:2 .
unto. App-104
apt to teach. 1
Timothy 3:2 .
patient. Literally
enduring evil. Greek. anexikakos Only here.
Verse 25
meekness .
See 1
Corinthians 4:21 .
instructing. Greek. peideuo, which
means to train a child, and so to chastise, chasten. Compare Acts
22:3 . 2
Corinthians 6:9 . Hebrews
12:6 .
those that ,
&c. = the opposers. Greek. antidiatithemi . Only here.
if . . . peradventure =
lest at any time. Greek. a pots.
will =
repentance. App-111
acknowledging. App-132
Verse 26
recover themselves. Literally
become sober again. Greek. ananepho . Compare 2
Timothy 4:5 .
snare. See 1
Timothy 3:7 .
taken captive .
Greek. z ogreo, See Luke
6:10 .
by. App-104
at =
unto. App-104 .
will .
App-102 . The pronouns "him" and "his" have not the same
reference. The first refers to the servant, the second to God, and the meaning
of the passage is, the distill stirs up those lie has ensnared to oppose, lest God
should give them repentance, and lest, having been taken captive by God's
servant, they should escape the snare, to do the will of God.
Chapter 3
know .
App-132 .
in. Greek. en .
App-104 .
last days .
See Acts
2:17 .
perilou s
= hard, difficult, grievous. Greek. chelepos, Only here
and Matthew
8:28 .
times =
seasons. App-196 .
men .
App-123 .,
lovers ,
&c Greek. philaute s. Only here.
covetous =
lovers of money. Greek. philarguros. Only here and Luke
16:14 .
boasters. Greek. alazon, See Romans
1:30 .
proud .
Greek. huperephanos. See 2Ti 1:30 .
disobedient, &c.
See Romans
1:30 .
unthankful .
Greek. acharistos . Only here and Luke
6:35 .
unholy .
See 1
Timothy 1:9 .
Without ,
&c. See Romans
1:31 .
trucebreakers .
Greek. aspodos. See Romans
1:31 , where it is rendered "implacable".
false accusers =
slanderers. Greek. diabotos.
incontinent .
Greek. akrates . Only here. Compare 1
Corinthians 7:5 .
fierce .
Greek anemeros, Only here.
despisers, &c.
Literally not lovers of the good. Greek aphilagathos. Only
Traitors .
Greek. prodotes. Only here; Luke
6:16 . Acts
7:52 .
heady =
headstrong. See Acts
19:36 ,
highminded =
puffedup. See 1
Timothy 3:6 ,
lovers ,
&c. Greek. philedonos. Only here,
lovers of God. Greek. philotheos. Only
form .
Greek. morphosis. Only here and Romans
2:29 .
godliness .
See 1
Timothy 2:2 .
power .
App-172 , L
from such =
and from these.
turn away .
Greek. apotrepomai. Only here.
of. App-104
this sort =
creep .
Greek. enduno Only here. Akin to enduo, to
clothe, to put on. into. App-104 .
houses =
the houses.
lead captive .
See Ephesians
4:8 .
silly women .
Greek. gunaikarion, neut. A diminutive form of geno ,
used as a term of contempt. Only here.
laden .
Greek soreuo. See Romans
12:20 .
sins .
App-128 .
Ever =
Always. App-151 .
never =
not at any time. Greek. medepote. Only here
to .
App-101 .
knowledge .
App-132 .
as .
Literally in the manner in which.
Jannes and Jambres .
The names of the magicians of Exodus
7:11 . Found in the Targum of Jonathan.
withstood .
Greek. anthistemi . Translated nine times
"resist", five times "withstand".
Moses .
The tenth occurance of the name in the Epistles. See Romans
5:14 .
resist. Same
as "withstood".
of corrupt minds =
utterly corrupted (Greek. kataphtheiro. Only here and 2
Peter 2:12 ) as to their mind.
reprobate .
See Romans
1:28 .
concerning .
App-104 .
faith .
App-150 .
proceed no =
not ( App-105 ) proceed. Greek. prokopto, as in Romans
13:12 .
further .
Literally to ( App-101 ) more. The magicians were allowed to imitate Moses up
to a certain point, and then God stopped them. Ex, 7, 11, 12, 22; 2Ti 8:7 , 2Ti
8:18 , 2Ti 8:19 .
folly .
Greek. anonia . Only here and Luke
6:11 .
manifest =
thoroughly manifest. Greek. ekdelos. Only here.
unto =
hast ,
&c. = didst follow up. See 1
Timothy 4:6 .
manner of life .
Greek agoge . Only here.
purpose .
See 2
Timothy 1:9 .
charity .
See 2
Timothy 2:22 ,
afflictions .
Greek. pathema. Generally transl suffering. See Romans
7:5 .
at .
App-104 .
Antioch ,
&c. See Acts
13:50 ; Acts
14:5 , Acts
14:19 .
endured .
See 1
Corinthians 10:13 .
out of .
App-104 .
Lord .
App-98 .:2, A.
delivered ,
Compare 2
Corinthians 1:10 .
will .
App-102 .
live .
App-170 .
godly Greek eusabos. Only
here and Titus
2:12 .
Christ Jesus .
App-98 .
suffer persecution =
be persecuted.
evil. App-128
seducers. Greek. goes. Only
wax. Same
as "proceed", 2
Timothy 3:9 .
worse, &c.
-to ( App-104 .) the worse.
continue =
abide. Greek meno. See p. 1511.
bast learned =
didst learn.
hast been ,
&c. = west assured of. Greek. pistoemai. Only here.
knowing .
App-182 . Li,
of =
from. App-101 .
whom .
App-124 .
from .
App-104 .
child .
App-108 .
holy. Greek. hieras. Only
here and 1
Corinthians 9:13 .
Scriptures. Greek.
Plural of gramma. See John
7:16 . The usual word for the "Scriptures" is graphe, 2
Timothy 3:16 .
make . . . wise .
Greek. sophizo. Only here and 2
Peter 1:16 .
unto .
App-104 .
through .
App-104 . 2
Timothy 3:1 .
All Scripture .
Greek. pasagraphe (singular)
given by inspiration of God =
God-inbreathed. Greek. theopneustos. Only here.
profitable. See 1
Timothy 4:8 .
for .
App-104 .
reproof .
Greek. elenchos. It means "proof" and so
"conviction". Only here and Hebrews
11:1 . The texts read elegmos .
correction .
Greek. epanorthosis. Only here.
instruction. Greek. paideia. See Ephesians
6:4 .
righteousness .
App-191 . It will be noticed that in the earlier part of the verse the word
"is "appears in italics, showing that there is no word for it in the
Greek and it has therefore to be supplied. The Revised Version omits"
is" in the first case and reads, "Every Scripture inspired of God is
also profitable", thus suggesting that some Scriptures are not inspired. There
are eight other passages which present exactly the same construction, and not
one of these has been altered by the Revisers. Had they done so in the same
manner as they have done in this case, the result would have been as fol
lows: Romans
7:12 . The holy commandment is also just. 1
Corinthians 11:30 . Many weak are also sickly. 2
Corinthians 10:10 . His weighty letters are also
powerful. Similarly with the other passages, which are 1
Timothy 1:15 ; 1
Timothy 2:3 ; 1
Timothy 4:4 , 1
Timothy 4:9 . Hebrews
4:13 . It is true the Authorized Version rendering is given in
the margin of the Revised Version, but it is difficult to see why that should
be disturbed.
That =
In order that. Greek. hina.
the man of God .
See App-49 .
God .
App-98 .
perfect =
fitted. Greek. artios . Only here. App-126 .
throughly furnished =
equipped. See Acts
21:5 . App-126 .
unto .
App-104 .
all. works =
every work.
Chapter 4
charge . Greek. diamarturomai. See 2 Timothy 2:14 .
before = in the sight of.
God . App-98 .
the Lord Jesus Christ . The texts read
"Christ Jesus". App-98 .
shall = is about to.
judge . App-122 .
the . Omit.
Quick = living.
dead . App-139 .
at . App-104 . The texts read "and by".
appearing . App-106 .
kingdom . See App-112 .
Preach .
App-121 .
word . App-121 .
in season . Greek. eukairos. Only
here and Mark 14:11 .
out of season . Greek. akairos. Only here. reprove. Greek. elencho. See John 8:9 .
Tim. 2Ti 5:20 .
rebuke . Greek. epitimao .
One, twenty- nine times, twenty-four times "rebuke", five times
"charge". All in Gospels, save been and Jude 1:9 .
The difference between these two Greek. words is that the former means to bring
to conviction, as used in John 8:46 ; John 16:8 ;
while the latter can be used of unjust or ineffectual rebuke, as in Matthew 16:22 .
Luk 25:40 .
exhort . App-134 .
with . App-104 .
doctrine = teaching. Greek. didache,Verse 3
time =
come = be.
not . App-106 .
sound = the sound. See 1 Timothy 1:10 .
doctrine . Greek. didaskalia ,
as 1 Timothy 4:6 .
after . App-104 .
heap . Greek. episoreuo. Only
having itching ears = itching in regard to
itching . Greek. knetho. Only
ears = hearing, as in 2 Timothy 4:3 .
from . App-104 .
turned . See 1 Timothy 1:6 .
unto . App-104 .
fables = myths. See 1 Timothy 1:4 .
watch . Greek. nepho. See 1 Thessalonians 5:6 .
in. App-104 .
endure afflictions = suffer evil. Greek. kakopetheo. See 2 Timothy 2:8 .
evangelist . Compare App-121 .
make full proof of = fully accomplish.
Greek. plerophoreo. See Romans 4:21 .
ministry . App-190 .
now ready , &c. = already being poured out. Greek. spendomai . See Philippians 2:17 .
departure . Greek. analusis .
Only here. Compare Philippians 1:1 , Philippians 1:29 .
at hand . Same as "instant", 2 Timothy 4:2 .
fought . Greek. agonizomai .
See Luke 13:24 .
a = the.
fight . Greek. agon. See
Phil. I. so and compare 1 Timothy 6:12 .
finished . Greek. te leo. Compare
App-1262 Timothy 1:2 ,
my = the.
course . Greek. dromos. See Acts 13:25 .
faith . App-150 .
laid up . Greek. apokeimai. See Colossians 1:5 .
a = the.
righteousness . App-191 .
Lord . App-9 .
righteous . App-191 .
Judge , Compare 2 Timothy 4:1 .Acts 17:3 Acts 17:1 .
give = repay or recompense. Greek. apodidomi. See 2 Timothy 4:14 .
at. App-104 .
unto = to.
love . App-135 . Perf. tense, "have loved".
Do , &c. = Hasten.
shortly = speedily.
unto. Greek. pros. App-104
De mas . See Colossians 4:14 .
Phm. 2Ti 1:24 .
hath forsaken = forsook. Greek. eskateleipe . See Acts 2:22 .
this , &c. the age that is now.
world . App-129 .
unto . App-104 . Crescens. He is not mentioned elsewhere, and
perhaps had gone to Galatia at his own instance and with the apostle's consent.
The same may be said of Titus. There is no condemnation of them, ae of Demas,
]tut they are not said to have been sent, as Tychicus was.
to . Same as "unto".
Luke . This faithful and devoted companion, sharer of Paul's
labours and afflictions for so many years, always modestly keeping himself in
the back- ground, most have been a comfort indeed.
with . App-104 .
Take = Take up, i.e. on the way. Compare Acts 20:13 , Acts 20:14 .
Mark . See Acts 12:25 ; Acts 12:13 , Acts 12:5 , Acts 12:19 ; Acts 12:15 ,
Act 12:37-39 . Colossians 4:10 .
Phm. 2Ti 1:24 .
profitable . See "meet", I. 21.
for . App-104 .
the ministry = ministering. App-190 .
Tychicus . See Acts 20:4 . 1 Chronicles 4:7; 1 Chronicles 4:7 . Titus 3:12 .
have. Omit.
sent . App-174 .
cloke . Greek. phailones. Only here.
with . App-104 .
parchments . Greek. membrane. Only here.
Alexander . The addition of "coppersmith" suggests his
identity with the Ephesian Jew of Acts 19:33 , Acts 19:34 ,
coppersmith . Greek. chalkeus. Only here.
did . Literally showed forth.
much evil = many evil ( App-128 ,) things.
reward . See 2 Timothy 4:8 .
according to . App-104 .
ware also = also ware.
withstood . See 2 Timothy 3:8 .
answer = defence. See Acts 22:1 .
no man = no one. Greek. oudeis .
stood with . Greek. sumparoginomai. Only
here and Luke 23:48 .
pray , &c. = may it not.
not. App-106 .
laid to their charge = reckoned to them.
Notwithstanding = But.
strengthened . See Acts 9:22 .
that = in order that. Greek. hina. by.
App-104 . 2 Timothy 4:1 .
preaching . App-121 .8,
fully known . See 2 Timothy 4:5 .
delivered . Greek. rhuomai .
See 2 Timothy 3:11 .
out of . Greek. ek. App-104
lion . This may mean that Paul established his claim, as a Roman
citizen, not to meet his death in the amphitheatre; or it may be a metaphor for
evil . App-128 .
preserve = save.
heavenly . Greek. epouranios, as
in Ephesians 1:3 ,
for ever , &c. App-151 . a.
Prisca . Elsewhere called Priscilla. Acts 18:2 , Acts 18:18 , Acts 18:24 .
Rom 16:3 . 1 Corinthians 16:19 .
household . as 2 Timothy 1:16 .
Onesiphorus. Compare 2 Timothy 1:11 .
Erastus . See Acts 19:22 .
Rom 18:23 .
Trophimus . Acts 20:4 ; Acts 21:29 .
sick . Paul's authority to heal had ceased. Compare Philippians 1:2 ,
Php 1:25-27 . 1 Timothy 5:23 .
before . App-104 .
Pudens . Pudens and Claudia are supposed by some to be man and
wife, and have been identified with Titus Claudius and Claudia Quinctilia,
whose inscription over a child they lost has been discovered near Rome.
Linus . Probably a bishop of Rome.
Jesus Christ . The texts omit,
spirit . App-101 .
Grace . App-184 .
Amen Omit,